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  • About

    Seorang Teknisi Jaringan yang pernah berkecimpung di Internet Service Provider (ISP) dan akhirnya memutuskan diri untuk menjadi freelancer yang berdomisili di Solo, Surakarta Hadiningrat.

  • Services

    Melayani jasa pasang Internet berbasis Wireless maupun Fiber Optic, Jasa Pasang Tower/Pipa, Pointing Wireless, Setting Router, CCTV, Hotspot, Proxy, Web Server, Network Managed dan Monitoring

  • Contact

    Berbagai saran, kritikan, keluhan dan masukan akan sangat berarti bagi saya. Anda dapat menghubungi/whatsapp saya di nomor:08564-212-8686 atau melalui BBM:2128686

    Friday, November 29, 2019

    deb http://kartolo.sby.datautama.net.id/debian stretch main contrib non-free
    deb http://kartolo.sby.datautama.net.id/debian stretch-updates main contrib non-free
    deb http://kartolo.sby.datautama.net.id/debian-security/ stretch/updates main contrib non-free
    deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve stretch pve-no-subscription
    disable /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list

    disable apt update ipv6
    nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4
    Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";
    apt update; apt dist-upgrade

    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    # source : https://nsrc.org/workshops/ws-files/2011/sanog17/exercises/exercises-smokeping.html
    # Note that all IP addresses in this file are false, to prevent some
    # machine falling under a deadly DOS storm because all users keep
    # the same addresses in their config.
    *** General ***
    sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    imgcache = /var/www/smokeping
    imgurl   = ../smokeping
    datadir  = /var/lib/smokeping
    piddir   = /var/run/smokeping
    smokemail = /etc/smokeping/smokemail
    tmail    = /etc/smokeping/tmail
    # Please edit this to suit your installation
    # If you have a fully qualified domain name, then you should add this to all
    # occurrences of "noc".
    owner    = The NOCMeister
    contact  = monitor@noc
    cgiurl   = http://noc/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi
    mailhost = localhost 
    # specify this to get syslog logging
    syslogfacility = local0
    # each probe is now run in its own process
    # disable this to revert to the old behaviour
    # concurrentprobes = no
    *** Alerts ***
    to = monitor@noc
    from = smokealert@noc
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%,>0%,>0%
    comment = suddenly there is packet loss
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
    comment = loss 3 times  in a row
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==S,>0%,>0%,>0%
    comment = loss at startup
    type = rtt
    # in milli seconds
    pattern = <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,<100,>100,>100,>100
    comment = routing messed up again ?
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%, ==U
    comment = no reply
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>20%,>20%,>20%
    comment = suddenly there is packet loss
    *** Database ***
    step     = 300
    pings    = 20
    # consfn mrhb steps total
    AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
    AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
        MIN  0.5  12  4320
        MAX  0.5  12  4320
    AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
        MAX  0.5 144   720
        MIN  0.5 144   720
    *** Presentation ***
    template = /etc/smokeping/basepage.html
    + overview 
    width = 600
    height = 50
    range = 10h
    + detail
    width = 600
    height = 200
    unison_tolerance = 2
    "Last 3 Hours"    3h
    "Last 30 Hours"   30h
    "Last 10 Days"    10d
    "Last 400 Days"   400d
    *** Probes ***
    + FPing
    binary = /usr/bin/fping
    + EchoPingHttp
    + DNS
    binary = /usr/bin/dig
    pings = 5
    step = 180
    *** Targets ***
    probe = FPing
    ## You have to edit and uncomment all what you want below this.
    # Please, refer to smokeping_config man page for more info
    # The given adresses aren't real to avoid DoS.
    menu = Top
    title = Network Latency Grapher
    remark = intERLab at AIT Network Operations and Management Workshop \
             sample SmokePing site 
    + Local
    menu = APRICOT 2008 
    title = Network Management Workshop 
    ####### LATENCY ########
    ++ Latency
    menu = Latency
    title = Measure of Latency using icmp ping
    +++ LocalMachine 
    menu = NOC 
    title = The NOC@intERLab
    host = localhost
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    #++ NOCSquid
    #menu = The NOC Squid
    #title = www-cache / HTTP for noc@apricot2008
    #probe = EchoPingHttp
    #host = localhost
    #port = 8080 # use the squid port
    #url = http://localhost/
    ## You should edit this for your particular class setup.
    ## For each PC if you have a fully qualified domain name,
    ## you should add this as well.
    +++ PC1
    menu = pc1
    title = pc1
    host = pc1
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC2
    menu = pc2
    title = pc2
    host = pc2
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC3
    menu = pc3
    title = pc3
    host = pc3
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC4
    menu = pc4
    title = pc4
    host = pc4
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC5
    menu = pc5
    title = pc5
    host = pc5
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC6
    menu = pc6
    title = pc6
    host = pc6
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC7
    menu = pc7
    title = pc7
    host = pc7
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC8
    menu = pc8
    title = pc8
    host = pc8
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC9
    menu = pc9
    title = pc9
    host = pc9
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC10
    menu = pc10
    title = pc10
    host = pc10
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC11
    menu = pc11
    title = pc11
    host = pc11
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC12
    menu = pc12
    title = pc12
    host = pc12
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC13
    menu = pc13
    title = pc13
    host = pc13
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC14
    menu = pc14
    title = pc14
    host = pc14
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC15
    menu = pc15
    title = pc15
    host = pc15
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    ####### APACHE ########
    # You should edit this for your particular class setup.
    # For each PC if you have a fully qualified domain name,
    # you should add this as well.
    ++ Apache
    menu = HTTP
    title = Apache (http) service
    +++ NOC
    menu = NOC
    title = Apache 2 Server for noc
    probe = FPing
    host = localhost
    +++ PC1
    menu = PC1 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc1
    probe = FPing
    host = pc1
    +++ PC2
    menu = PC2 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc2
    probe = FPing
    host = pc2
    +++ PC3
    menu = PC3 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc3
    probe = FPing
    host = pc3
    +++ PC4
    menu = PC4 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc4
    probe = FPing
    host = pc4
    +++ PC5
    menu = PC5 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc5
    probe = FPing
    host = pc5
    +++ PC6
    menu = PC6 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc6
    probe = FPing
    host = pc6
    +++ PC7
    menu = PC7 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc7
    probe = FPing
    host = pc7
    +++ PC8
    menu = PC8 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc8
    probe = FPing
    host = pc8
    +++ PC9
    menu = PC9 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc9
    probe = FPing
    host = pc9
    +++ PC10
    menu = PC10 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc10
    probe = FPing
    host = pc10
    +++ PC11
    menu = PC11 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc11
    probe = FPing
    host = pc11
    +++ PC12
    menu = PC12 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc12
    probe = FPing
    host = pc12
    +++ PC13
    menu = PC13 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc13
    probe = FPing
    host = pc13
    +++ PC14
    menu = PC14 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc14
    probe = FPing
    host = pc14
    +++ PC15
    menu = PC15 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc15
    probe = FPing
    host = pc15
    ####### APACHE ########
    ++ DNS 
    probe = DNS
    menu = DNS 
    title = DNS (name server latency)
    +++ NOC
    menu = NOC
    title = Name Server Latency for noc
    host = noc 
    ####### WORLD ########
    + World
    menu = World
    title = Worldwide Connectivity
    ++ Africa
    menu = Africa
    title = African Connectivity
    +++ SouthAfrica
    menu = AfNOG
    title = African Network Operators Group
    host = afnog.org
    ++ NorthAmerica
    menu = North America
    title = North American Connectivity
    +++ USA
    menu = USA
    title = Select US Servers
    ++++ NSRC
    menu = NSRC
    title = NSRC (Eugene, Oregon, USA)
    host = nsrc.org
    ++++ WRC
    menu = WRC
    title = ISOC Workshop Resource Centre (Eugene, Oregon, USA)
    host = ws.edu.isoc.org
    ++++ shell
    menu = shell.uoregon.edu
    title = Main User Box, University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon, USA)
    host = shell.uoregon.edu
    ++ SouthAmerica
    menu = South America
    title =South American Connectivity
    +++ Chile
    menu = Chile
    title = sageduck.org
    host = sageduck.org
    ####### Multi Targe ########
    #+ MultiTarget 
    #menu = MultiTarget 
    #title = Multi Target Graph of ping Latency  
    #++ NorthAmerica 
    #menu = NorthAmerica 
    #title = North American Servers
    #host = shell.uoregon.edu \
    #       nsrc.org \
    #       psg.com
    #alerts = bigloss,rttdetect 

    Monday, September 9, 2019

    Kali ini saya akan share tips menambahkan gadget ke dalam addresslist mikrotik

    :local newDynamics value=[/ip dhcp-server lease find dynamic=yes];
    :local newList value="";
    :foreach i in=[$newDynamics] do={
    :local dynamicIP [/ip dhcp-server lease get $i address];
    :local dynamicMAC [/ip dhcp-server lease get $i mac-address];
    :local dynamicHOST [/ip dhcp-server lease get $i host-name];
    :if ($dynamicHOST~"(Andro|andro|Redmi|redmi|Vivo|vivo|Iphone|iphone|Galaxy|galaxy|BLACKBER)") do={
          /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_hs_office address=$dynamicIP comment=$dynamicHOST
          :log warning "$dynamicIP added"
    script diatas silahkan tambahkan pada system => scheduler

    Tuesday, August 27, 2019

    Kali ini saya akan bagi tips buat anda yang pengen bikin address-list akamai di mikrotik.
    OK, saya anggap anda bisa searching di bgp.he.net untuk mendapatkan informasi as-number akamai
    kemudian di blog ini juga sudah ada generate prefix berdasarkan asnumber, silahkan cari.
    setelah ini anggaplah sudah ter-generate dan muncul 2 file berisi list ip akamai tadi

    kemudian, gabunglah kedua file tadi
    /dump # cat  AS35994-AS35994-akamai.rsc >> AS20940-AS20940-akamai.rsc
    /dump # sort --unique -k7 AS20940-AS20940-akamai.rsc >> cidr_akamai.rsc 

    contoh hasilnya seperti berikut
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=
    /ip firewall address-list add list=cidr_akamai comment=AS20940-akamai address=

    jika sudah, maka siap di import di mikrotik anda.

     --unique = berarti filter ip address tanpa duplikat
    -k7 = adalah kolom ke-7 yang akan kita urutkan


    :local remote
    :set remote $"remote-address"
    :log warning ("wellcome ppp-$user ( $remote )")
    :if ( [ /ppp secret get "$user" comment ] = "" ) do={
    :local month
    :local year
    :local yeardiv
    :local yearmult
    :local leapyear
    :local lastday
    :local date [ /system clock get date ]
    :local time [ /system clock get time ]
    # ambil nama bulan dan tahun dari date
    :set month [:pick $date 0 3]
    :set year [:pick $date 7 11]
    # check tahun kabisat atau bukan
    :set yeardiv ($year / 4)
    :set yearmult ($yeardiv * 4)
    :if ([$yearmult] = $year) do={ :set leapyear true } else={ :set leapyear false }
    # set nilai lastday sesuai nama bulan dan tahun
    :if ([$month] = "jan") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "feb") do={
    :if ($leapyear = true) do={ :set lastday 29d }
    :if ($leapyear = false) do={ :set lastday 28d }
    :if ([$month] = "mar") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "apr") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "may") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "jun") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "jul") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "aug") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "sep") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "oct") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "nov") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "dec") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    # cek nilai lastday
    #:log info ("$lastday")
    /ppp secret set $user comment="$date $time"
    /system scheduler remove [find name="ppp-$user"]
    /system scheduler add interval=$lastday name="ppp-$user" on-event="/ppp active remove [find user=\"$user\"]\r\n/ppp secret disable [find name=\"$user\"]\r\n/system scheduler remove [find name=\"ppp-$user\"]" start-date=$date start-time=$time
    } else={
    :local zoky [ /ppp secret get "$user" comment ]
    :local zoky1 " $zoky"
    :local zoky2
    :for i from=0 to=([:len $zoky1] - 1) do={
    :local char [:pick $zoky1 $i]
    :if ($char = " ") do={
    :set $char "\\ "
    :set zoky2 ($zoky2 . $char)
    :local var $zoky2
    :local myArray [:toarray [:pick $var ([:find $var " "]+1) [:len $var]]]
    :local month
    :local year
    :local yeardiv
    :local yearmult
    :local leapyear
    :local lastday
    :local comdate [:pick $myArray 0]
    :local comtime [:pick $myArray 1]
    # ambil nama bulan dan tahun dari comdate
    :set month [:pick $comdate 0 3]
    :set year [:pick $comdate 7 11]
    # check tahun kabisat atau bukan
    :set yeardiv ($year / 4)
    :set yearmult ($yeardiv * 4)
    :if ([$yearmult] = $year) do={ :set leapyear true } else={ :set leapyear false }
    # set nilai lastday sesuai nama bulan dan tahun
    :if ([$month] = "jan") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "feb") do={
    :if ($leapyear = true) do={ :set lastday 29d }
    :if ($leapyear = false) do={ :set lastday 28d }
    :if ([$month] = "mar") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "apr") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "may") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "jun") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "jul") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "aug") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "sep") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "oct") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    :if ([$month] = "nov") do={ :set lastday 30d }
    :if ([$month] = "dec") do={ :set lastday 31d }
    # cek nilai lastday
    #:log info ("$lastday")
    /system scheduler remove [find name="ppp-$user"]
    /system scheduler add interval=$lastday name="ppp-$user" on-event="/ppp active remove [find user=\"$user\"]\r\n/ppp secret disable [find name=\"$user\"]\r\n/system scheduler remove [find name=\"ppp-$user\"]" start-date=$comdate start-time=$comtime
    } :local profile [/ppp secret get [find name="$user"] profile]
    :local rateLimit [/ppp profile get [find name="$profile"] rate-limit]
    :local parent [/ppp profile get [find name="$profile"] parent]
    :local queue [/ppp profile get [find name="$profile"] queue]
    /queue simple remove [find name="$user-$remote"]
    /queue simple add max-limit="$rateLimit" name="$user-$remote" parent="$parent" queue="$queue/$queue" target="$remote"
    /queue simple remove [find where name~"-$user"]

    :local remote
    :set remote $"remote-address"
    :log warning ("goodbye $user ( $remote )")
    :local bytes [/queue simple get [find name="$user-$remote"] bytes]
    :local totalbytes
    :local arraybytes [:toarray [:pick $bytes ([:find $bytes "/"]+1) [:len $bytes]]]
    :local upbytes [:pick $arraybytes 0]
    :local downbytes [:pick $arraybytes 1]
    :set totalbytes ($upbytes+$downbytes)
    :local zoky [/ppp secret get "$user" comment]
    :local zoky1 " $zoky"
    :local zoky2
    :for i from=0 to=([:len $zoky1] - 1) do={
    :local char [:pick $zoky1 $i]
    :if ($char = " ") do={
    :set $char "\\ "
    :set zoky2 ($zoky2 . $char)
    :local commentppp $zoky2
    :local arraycomment [:toarray [:pick $commentppp ([:find $commentppp " "]+1) [:len $commentppp]]]
    :local comdate [:pick $arraycomment 0]
    :local comtime [:pick $arraycomment 1]
    :local combytes [:pick $arraycomment 2]
    :if ($combytes = "") do={
    /ppp secret set "$user" comment="$comdate $comtime $totalbytes"
    } else={
    :local alltotalbytes
    :set alltotalbytes ($combytes+$totalbytes)
    /ppp secret set "$user" comment="$comdate $comtime $alltotalbytes"
    /queue simple remove [find name="$user-$remote"]
    profile harap di set max-limit, parent dan queue-typenya
    bikin scheduler di run perjam atau terserah anda intervalnya
    untuk update counter usagenya
    :local userppp
    :local usersimple
    :foreach i in=[/ppp secret find] do {
    :set userppp ( userppp [/ppp secret get $i name])
    :local zoky [/ppp secret get "$userppp" comment]
    :local zoky1 " $zoky"
    :local zoky2
    :for i from=0 to=([:len $zoky1] - 1) do={
    :local char [:pick $zoky1 $i]
    :if ($char = " ") do={
    :set $char "\\ "
    :set zoky2 ($zoky2 . $char)
    :local commentppp $zoky2
    :local arraycomment [:toarray [:pick $commentppp ([:find $commentppp " "]+1) [:len $commentppp]]]
    :local comdate [:pick $arraycomment 0]
    :local comtime [:pick $arraycomment 1]
    :local combytes [:pick $arraycomment 2]
    :if ([/ppp secret get [/ppp secret find name="$userppp"] profile] != "") do {
    :foreach j in=[/queue simple find where name~"$userppp"] do {
    :set usersimple ( usersimple [/queue simple get $j name])
    :local bytes [/queue simple get [/queue simple find name="$usersimple"] bytes]
    :local totalbytes
    :local arraybytes [:toarray [:pick $bytes ([:find $bytes "/"]+1) [:len $bytes]]]
    :local upbytes [:pick $arraybytes 0]
    :local downbytes [:pick $arraybytes 1]
    :set totalbytes ($upbytes+$downbytes)
    :if ($combytes < 0) do {
    :local alltotalbytes
    :if (($comtime < 0)&&($combytes < 0)) do {
    :set alltotalbytes ($comdate+$totalbytes)
    /ppp secret set "$userppp" comment="$alltotalbytes"
    } else {
    :set alltotalbytes ($combytes+$totalbytes)
    /ppp secret set "$userppp" comment="$comdate $comtime $alltotalbytes"
    #:log warning "$userppp $comdate $comtime $combytes $usersimple $totalbytes $alltotalbytes"
    } else {
    :if ($totalbytes = $totalbytes) do {
    #:log warning "no update usage ppp"
    } else {
    :local alltotalbytes
    :if (($comtime < 0)&&($combytes < 0)) do {
    :set alltotalbytes ($comdate+$totalbytes)
    /ppp secret set "$userppp" comment="$alltotalbytes"
    } else {
    :set alltotalbytes ($combytes+$totalbytes)
    /ppp secret set "$userppp" comment="$comdate $comtime $alltotalbytes"
    #:log warning "$userppp $comdate $comtime $combytes $usersimple $totalbytes $alltotalbytes"

    credits : zoky raharjo (fb) 

    Thursday, July 18, 2019

    /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/setso --set server_ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    Wednesday, May 22, 2019

    Yup, dah tau maksudnya kan ? kali ini saya akan share tips gimana caranya jalanin monitor trafik pada interface tertentu (ether1 misalnya) pada pelanggan, yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai report ke pelanggan bahwa penggunaan dalam satu bulan ini sudah mencapai sekian GigaByte. Begitu lah kira kira. nah berikut scriptnya, silahkan dibikin scheduler

    :global iface ether1
    :global trafikawal
    :global trafik
    # reset tanggal 1
    #/system ntp client set primary-ntp=[:resolve id.pool.ntp.org] enabled=yes
    #/system clock set time-zone-name="Asia/Jakarta"
    :local date [/system clock get date]
    :local tanggal [ :pick $date 4 6 ]
    #:log warning $tanggal
    :if ($tanggal = 1) do={:set trafikawal 0}
    :set trafikawal [/interface get [find name=$iface] tx-byte]
       :if ($trafikawal > 1073741824) do={
       :set trafik ($trafikawal / 1073741824)
       :set trafik ($trafik." GB")
       } else={
       :set trafik ($trafikawal / 1048576)
       :set trafik ($trafik." MB")
    :log warning "trafik $iface = $trafik"
    /in ethernet set $iface comment="$trafikawal"

    Nah, setelah diteliti lagi, ternyata script diatas masih ada kekurangan, yaitu ketika perangkat reboot, kereset jadi 0, akhirnya gw ubah jadi revisi scriptnya begini

    :global iface ether1
    :global trafikFresh
    :global trafikSave
    :global trafikBit
    :global trafikBytes
    :global trafikTotal
    :local date [/system clock get date]
    :local tanggal [ :pick $date 4 6 ]
    #:log warning $tanggal
    :if ($tanggal = 1) do={:set trafikBit 0}
    # jika direboot ambil dari comment interface
    :if ([:len $trafikFresh ] = 0) do={
    :set trafikSave [/interface get [find name=$iface] comment]
    # catat ke variable
    :set trafikFresh [/interface get [find name=$iface] tx-byte]
    :set trafikTotal ([:tonum $trafikSave] + [:tonum $trafikFresh])
    :set trafikBit $trafikTotal
    } else={
    :set trafikBit  [/interface get [find name=$iface] tx-byte]
    :set trafikTotal ([:tonum $trafikSave] + [:tonum $trafikBit])
    # jika ukuran gigabyte
    :if ($trafikTotal > 1073741824) do={
    :set trafikBytes ($trafikTotal / 1073741824)
    :set trafikBytes ($trafikBytes." GB")
    } else={
    :set trafikBytes ($trafikTotal / 1048576)
    :set trafikBytes ($trafikBytes." MB")
    :log warning "trafik $iface = $trafikBytes"
    /in ethernet set $iface comment="$trafikTotal"

    nanti hasilnya seperti berikut :

    Saturday, May 18, 2019

    Hmm.. kali ini mimin bakal share tips & trik cara gimana saat link intermittent maka dilakukan tindakan, di sini mimin disable peer yg ngarah ke sono. Bisa sobat kembangkan sendiri yah. Ok langsung aja bikin scheduler
    :global intermit
    :global melar
    :global limitnotif
    :local avgRtt;
    :local pin
    :local pout
    :local target
    /tool flood-ping $target count=10 do={
      :if ($sent = 10) do={
        :set avgRtt $"avg-rtt"
        :set pout $sent
        :set pin $received
    :local ploss (100 - (($pin * 100) / $pout))
    :local LogErrorMsg ("Ping average for host%0A$target = ".[:tostr $avgRtt]."ms%0Apacket loss = ".[:tostr $ploss]."%")
    :local LogWarnMsg ("Ping average for host%0A$target = ".[:tostr $avgRtt]."ms%0Apacket loss = ".[:tostr $ploss]."%")
    :local LogError ("Ping average for $target = ".[:tostr $avgRtt]."ms - packet loss: ".[:tostr $ploss]."%")
    :local LogWarn ("Ping average for $target = ".[:tostr $avgRtt]."ms - packet loss: ".[:tostr $ploss]."%")
    :if ($avgRtt > 20) do={
    :set melar ($melar +1)
    :log error "$LogError"
    } else={
    :log warning "$LogWarn"
    :set melar 0
    # jika packetloss diatas 10% maka
    :if ([:tostr $ploss] > 10) do={
       :set intermit ($intermit +1)
       :set limitnotif ($limitnotif +1)
       } else={
       :set intermit 0
    # jika intermitent terus
    :if ($intermit >=10) do={
       :local pesan "$LogErrorMsg"
       /routing bgp peer set [find name~"INIX" disabled=no] disabled=yes
       /ip firewall mangle set [find comment="backup_conn" disabled=yes] disabled=no
       :if ($limitnotif = 2) do={
          /tool fetch url="https://api.telegram.org/bot380921546:AAGn69QpFDuLSOQd3E3JtI5nhfKDkdKMW/sendMessage?chat_id=-20353xxx&text=$pesan" keep-result=no
    # jika tidak intermitent
    :if ($intermit = 0) do={
       :if ($limitnotif >=10)  do={
       :set limitnotif 0
       :if ($limitnotif =0) do={
       :set limitnotif ($limitnotif +1)
       /routing bgp peer set [find name~"INIX" disabled=yes] disabled=no
       /ip firewall mangle set [find comment="backup_conn" disabled=no] disabled=yes
       :local pesan "$LogWarnMsg"
       :if ($limitnotif =2) do={
          /tool fetch url="https://api.telegram.org/bot380921546:AAGn69QpFDuLSOQd3E3JtI5nhfKDkdKMW/sendMessage?chat_id=-20353xxx&text=$pesan" keep-result=no

    Tuesday, April 30, 2019

    Pernah nggak kalian membuat VPN server, entah itu PPTP, EOIP, L2TP, dan lain sebagainya ??
    Permasalahan yang mimin hadapi ketika membuat VPN server pada MikroTik, ketika koneksi yg ditumpangi (baca:InetBroadband) kadang suka ngetrip, terkadang session L2TP menjadi diskonek yg mengakibatkan laju jalur L2TP terhambat, Solusinya di redial, atau pada ppp active dilakukan remove secara manual.

    Hal ini sangat merepotkan kl harus manual, soalnya mimin sering otw ga sempet monitor ngawasin 24jam! Nah solusi berikut ini sangat recomended bagi anda yang bekerja sebagai VPNers (yaelah). Langsung aja deh, buat scheduler di mikrotik kalian isinya begini.

    :global count [/ppp active print count-only]
    :local i
    :for i from=1 to=$count do={
       :global user
       :global vpnip
       :set user [/ppp active get $i name];
       :delay 1
       :set vpnip [/ppp active get $i address];
       :delay 1
       :if ([/ping $vpnip count=2] = 0) do={
          /ppp active remove numbers=$i
          :log error "$user $vpnip request time out!"
          } else={
          :log warning "$user $vpnip is reply..."

    Saturday, April 27, 2019

    Kali ini saya akan bagi tips buat monitoring Rate pada Ethernet Mikrotik lalu dilaporkan ke Telegram. OK langsung aja ya, buat scheduler isinya seperti berikut

    :global perulangan
    :global statusEth
    :global iface "ether2-CDIX"
    /int eth monitor ether2 once do={
       :if ($"rate" = "100Mbps" && $perulangan <3) do={
          :set statusEth 0
          :set perulangan ($perulangan +1)
          :log error "$iface is 100Mbps"
          :local pesan "$iface is 100Mbps";
          /tool fetch url="https://api.telegram.org/bot380921xxx:AAGn69QpFDuLSOQd3E3JtIJxxxxx/sendMessage?chat_id=-20353xxx&text=$pesan" keep-result=no
          :if ($perulangan = 3 && $statusEth = 0) do={
             :log error "$iface MASIH 100Mbps"
             :local pesan "$iface MASIH 100Mbps"
             /tool fetch url="https://api.telegram.org/bot380921xxx:AAGn69QpFDuLSOQd3E3JtIJxxxxx/sendMessage?chat_id=-20353xxx&text=$pesan" keep-result=no
          } else={
             :set statusEth 1
             :if ($statusEth = 1 && $perulangan >= 1000) do={:set perulangan 1}
             :if ($statusEth = 1 && $perulangan >= 1) do={:set perulangan ($perulangan +1)}
             :if ($perulangan = 2) do={
                :log warning "$iface 1Gbps"
                :local pesan "Alhamdulillaah $iface 1Gbps";
                /tool fetch url="https://api.telegram.org/bot380921xxx:AAGn69QpFDuLSOQd3E3JtIJxxxxx/sendMessage?chat_id=-20353xxx&text=$pesan" keep-result=no