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    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    # source : https://nsrc.org/workshops/ws-files/2011/sanog17/exercises/exercises-smokeping.html
    # Note that all IP addresses in this file are false, to prevent some
    # machine falling under a deadly DOS storm because all users keep
    # the same addresses in their config.
    *** General ***
    sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    imgcache = /var/www/smokeping
    imgurl   = ../smokeping
    datadir  = /var/lib/smokeping
    piddir   = /var/run/smokeping
    smokemail = /etc/smokeping/smokemail
    tmail    = /etc/smokeping/tmail
    # Please edit this to suit your installation
    # If you have a fully qualified domain name, then you should add this to all
    # occurrences of "noc".
    owner    = The NOCMeister
    contact  = monitor@noc
    cgiurl   = http://noc/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi
    mailhost = localhost 
    # specify this to get syslog logging
    syslogfacility = local0
    # each probe is now run in its own process
    # disable this to revert to the old behaviour
    # concurrentprobes = no
    *** Alerts ***
    to = monitor@noc
    from = smokealert@noc
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%,>0%,>0%
    comment = suddenly there is packet loss
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
    comment = loss 3 times  in a row
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==S,>0%,>0%,>0%
    comment = loss at startup
    type = rtt
    # in milli seconds
    pattern = <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,<100,>100,>100,>100
    comment = routing messed up again ?
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%, ==U
    comment = no reply
    type = loss
    # in percent
    pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>20%,>20%,>20%
    comment = suddenly there is packet loss
    *** Database ***
    step     = 300
    pings    = 20
    # consfn mrhb steps total
    AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
    AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
        MIN  0.5  12  4320
        MAX  0.5  12  4320
    AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
        MAX  0.5 144   720
        MIN  0.5 144   720
    *** Presentation ***
    template = /etc/smokeping/basepage.html
    + overview 
    width = 600
    height = 50
    range = 10h
    + detail
    width = 600
    height = 200
    unison_tolerance = 2
    "Last 3 Hours"    3h
    "Last 30 Hours"   30h
    "Last 10 Days"    10d
    "Last 400 Days"   400d
    *** Probes ***
    + FPing
    binary = /usr/bin/fping
    + EchoPingHttp
    + DNS
    binary = /usr/bin/dig
    pings = 5
    step = 180
    *** Targets ***
    probe = FPing
    ## You have to edit and uncomment all what you want below this.
    # Please, refer to smokeping_config man page for more info
    # The given adresses aren't real to avoid DoS.
    menu = Top
    title = Network Latency Grapher
    remark = intERLab at AIT Network Operations and Management Workshop \
             sample SmokePing site 
    + Local
    menu = APRICOT 2008 
    title = Network Management Workshop 
    ####### LATENCY ########
    ++ Latency
    menu = Latency
    title = Measure of Latency using icmp ping
    +++ LocalMachine 
    menu = NOC 
    title = The NOC@intERLab
    host = localhost
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    #++ NOCSquid
    #menu = The NOC Squid
    #title = www-cache / HTTP for noc@apricot2008
    #probe = EchoPingHttp
    #host = localhost
    #port = 8080 # use the squid port
    #url = http://localhost/
    ## You should edit this for your particular class setup.
    ## For each PC if you have a fully qualified domain name,
    ## you should add this as well.
    +++ PC1
    menu = pc1
    title = pc1
    host = pc1
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC2
    menu = pc2
    title = pc2
    host = pc2
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC3
    menu = pc3
    title = pc3
    host = pc3
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC4
    menu = pc4
    title = pc4
    host = pc4
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC5
    menu = pc5
    title = pc5
    host = pc5
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC6
    menu = pc6
    title = pc6
    host = pc6
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC7
    menu = pc7
    title = pc7
    host = pc7
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC8
    menu = pc8
    title = pc8
    host = pc8
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC9
    menu = pc9
    title = pc9
    host = pc9
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC10
    menu = pc10
    title = pc10
    host = pc10
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC11
    menu = pc11
    title = pc11
    host = pc11
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC12
    menu = pc12
    title = pc12
    host = pc12
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC13
    menu = pc13
    title = pc13
    host = pc13
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC14
    menu = pc14
    title = pc14
    host = pc14
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    +++ PC15
    menu = pc15
    title = pc15
    host = pc15
    alerts = startloss,someloss,bigloss,rttdetect,hostdown
    ####### APACHE ########
    # You should edit this for your particular class setup.
    # For each PC if you have a fully qualified domain name,
    # you should add this as well.
    ++ Apache
    menu = HTTP
    title = Apache (http) service
    +++ NOC
    menu = NOC
    title = Apache 2 Server for noc
    probe = FPing
    host = localhost
    +++ PC1
    menu = PC1 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc1
    probe = FPing
    host = pc1
    +++ PC2
    menu = PC2 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc2
    probe = FPing
    host = pc2
    +++ PC3
    menu = PC3 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc3
    probe = FPing
    host = pc3
    +++ PC4
    menu = PC4 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc4
    probe = FPing
    host = pc4
    +++ PC5
    menu = PC5 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc5
    probe = FPing
    host = pc5
    +++ PC6
    menu = PC6 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc6
    probe = FPing
    host = pc6
    +++ PC7
    menu = PC7 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc7
    probe = FPing
    host = pc7
    +++ PC8
    menu = PC8 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc8
    probe = FPing
    host = pc8
    +++ PC9
    menu = PC9 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc9
    probe = FPing
    host = pc9
    +++ PC10
    menu = PC10 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc10
    probe = FPing
    host = pc10
    +++ PC11
    menu = PC11 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc11
    probe = FPing
    host = pc11
    +++ PC12
    menu = PC12 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc12
    probe = FPing
    host = pc12
    +++ PC13
    menu = PC13 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc13
    probe = FPing
    host = pc13
    +++ PC14
    menu = PC14 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc14
    probe = FPing
    host = pc14
    +++ PC15
    menu = PC15 
    title = Apache 2 Server for pc15
    probe = FPing
    host = pc15
    ####### APACHE ########
    ++ DNS 
    probe = DNS
    menu = DNS 
    title = DNS (name server latency)
    +++ NOC
    menu = NOC
    title = Name Server Latency for noc
    host = noc 
    ####### WORLD ########
    + World
    menu = World
    title = Worldwide Connectivity
    ++ Africa
    menu = Africa
    title = African Connectivity
    +++ SouthAfrica
    menu = AfNOG
    title = African Network Operators Group
    host = afnog.org
    ++ NorthAmerica
    menu = North America
    title = North American Connectivity
    +++ USA
    menu = USA
    title = Select US Servers
    ++++ NSRC
    menu = NSRC
    title = NSRC (Eugene, Oregon, USA)
    host = nsrc.org
    ++++ WRC
    menu = WRC
    title = ISOC Workshop Resource Centre (Eugene, Oregon, USA)
    host = ws.edu.isoc.org
    ++++ shell
    menu = shell.uoregon.edu
    title = Main User Box, University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon, USA)
    host = shell.uoregon.edu
    ++ SouthAmerica
    menu = South America
    title =South American Connectivity
    +++ Chile
    menu = Chile
    title = sageduck.org
    host = sageduck.org
    ####### Multi Targe ########
    #+ MultiTarget 
    #menu = MultiTarget 
    #title = Multi Target Graph of ping Latency  
    #++ NorthAmerica 
    #menu = NorthAmerica 
    #title = North American Servers
    #host = shell.uoregon.edu \
    #       nsrc.org \
    #       psg.com
    #alerts = bigloss,rttdetect 


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